The C Word
Sorry to say it, but **Christmas** is coming up. To bring it up so early can feel like a naughty word, but we really wanted to say a couple of things about Christmas before it gets too crowded to say it well.
Like many of you, we believe that capitalism:
1. is what drives inequality between the rich and the poor, by exploiting the workers vulnerability, labour and safety keeping them in perpetual poverty.
2. is the most wasteful use of our natural resources (both with manufacturing and at the products end-of-life),
3. encourages us to mindlessly buy as if the goods that we purchase will make us happier.
Christmas can be excessive and wasteful, but we want to say, when you unload your wallet this Christmas there are ways to stay mindful. You can interact in this weird tradition we have AND not contribute to ideas and practices that you don’t agree with.
First thing is to know is that there is SO MUCH MORE than the price tag. Give yourself permission to give an experience, or share some time. Make something! Thrift something! Free your mind from thinking that the cost will impress them the most.
Avoid novelty gifts and joke presents. These are the gifts that end up in the opshop and the regift drawer. You will get a laugh, but choosing something functional, or needed, or wanted, is so much lighter on your wallet and the earth.
Take your time! You still have 6 weeks, so by carefully considering your gift you are unlikely to buy something unwanted or be persuaded by that really good shop assistant. You know the one.
Buy local. Places like Amazon are determined to monopolise on our cheap and convenient tendencies by chewing up small and local businesses and enterprises. Here in Aotearoa with our 2° of separation, you are supporting sisters and neighbours and friends of your friends. There are amazing shops, vendors and makers who are creating bravely against all odds that their businesses can and will succeed. I love shopping at The Women Book Shop (@thewomenbookshop), Blackbird Goods (@blackbirdgoods), Widdess (@widdess_shop), Curio Noir (@curionoir), Flying Out (@flyingoutmusic) and more!
Here at Crushes, we always explain that IF you have to buy something we have created a space where you can feel safe to put your money in positive places; 1. our clothing is recycled - saved from landfill. 2. Our gifts are from the creatives and factories made in OUR country - bringing back local manufacturing, retaining jobs, and withholding the middle class (of which we need to ensure the poor don’t get poorer and the rich get richer).
Of course, we’d love to help and serve you this Christmas season, but ultimately wish and encourage you well this holiday season. May we all challenge our preconceptions and embrace intentionality. 🥂
Sarah, Rose and the Crushes team
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